torsdag den 26. april 2012

Create multiple scheduled tasks across n-servers

Needed to create the same scheduled task on several servers. Using a bit of Powershell made the task a bit easier. Below functions can be used to create, delete and view scheduled tasks on a specific server:

Function Get-ScheduledTask
 param([string]$ComputerName = "localhost")
 Write-Host "Computer: $ComputerName"
 $Command = "schtasks.exe /query /s $ComputerName"
 Invoke-Expression $Command
 Clear-Variable Command -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
 Write-Host "`n"
# EXAMPLE: Get-ScheduledTask -ComputerName Server01
Function Remove-ScheduledTask
 [string]$ComputerName = "localhost",
 [string]$TaskName = "blank"
 If ((Get-ScheduledTask -ComputerName $ComputerName) -match $TaskName)
  If ((Read-Host "Are you sure you want to remove task $TaskName from $ComputerName(y/n)") -eq "y")
   $Command = "schtasks.exe /delete /s $ComputerName /tn $TaskName /F"
   Invoke-Expression $Command
   Clear-Variable Command -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
  Write-Warning "Task $TaskName not found on $ComputerName"
# EXAMPLE: Remove-ScheduledTask -ComputerName Server01 -TaskName MyTask
Function Create-ScheduledTask
 [string]$ComputerName = "localhost",
 [string]$RunAsUser = "System",
 [string]$TaskName = "MyTask",
 [string]$TaskRun = '"C:\Program Files\Scripts\Script.vbs"',
 [string]$Schedule = "Monthly",
 [string]$Modifier = "second",
 [string]$Days = "SUN",
 [string]$Months = '"MAR,JUN,SEP,DEC"',
 [string]$StartTime = "13:00",
 [string]$EndTime = "17:00",
 [string]$Interval = "60" 
 Write-Host "Computer: $ComputerName"
 $Command = "schtasks.exe /create /s $ComputerName /ru $RunAsUser /tn $TaskName /tr $TaskRun /sc $Schedule /mo $Modifier /d $Days /m $Months /st $StartTime /et $EndTime /ri $Interval /F"
 Invoke-Expression $Command
 Clear-Variable Command -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
 Write-Host "`n"
# EXAMPLE: Create-ScheduledTask -ComputerName MyServer -TaskName MyTask02 -TaskRun "D:\scripts\script2.vbs"

Borrowed from: this link