onsdag den 7. oktober 2009

Running 32-bit VBScript on a 64-bit server

Had a issue with running a Vbscript which made calls to 32-bit COM objects. First view assumed that the COM objects were not registered correctly. But on a 64-bit platform (windows that is), 32-bit and 64-bit COM objects are registered in the reg-database in 2 seperate nodes. So running regdllview-64 bit did not show the needed com-objects, leading to suspicion that the files was not correctly installed. But running the 32-bit version of regdllview showed the files, so everything should be ok. This lead to the assumption that when triggering the vbscript, the 64-bit Windows Script Host Engine was triggered instead of the 32-bit version. On 64-bit Windows the folder [\<windowsdir>\sysWoW64] contains 32-bit versions of equivalent 64-bit files found in [\<windowsdir>\system32].

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